Tuesday, February 28


Goodness that went fast. Seriously so so so fast.
You still wear 12 month size clothes. Your feet are still size 2. You have awesome highlights in your hair of dark and light, so the jury is still out for what color it will finally decide to be. You eat mostly everything but are starting to be picky. You stubbornly purse your little lips. You get excited to eat rice like we are giving you cake. It's hilarious. You WALK. So fast, it's crazy. You sing and dance to ANY music. You fold your arms to pray(most adorable thing EVER). You say Hi and Mama. An occasional Dada, and lots of LALALALALAS! You click your tongue and make any sounds you can with your mouth- popping, smacking, clicking. You think it's funny. You say "Weeeeeeeee!" when you are swinging or sliding or spinning around or when we throw you in the air.
You do things we ask like "pick up Oskie and give him to Daddy" and know exactly what we are saying. You pick up things from the carpet and now (well most of the time) instead of eating them you walk over and give them to me. It's AWESOME. You eat paper. I think it's weird.
You smile all big and cheesy with your 6 little teeth.  You high five and blow kisses. You wave bye-bye and give contact (pointer finger to pointer finger like E.T.) and give HUGE big hugs & kisses. You like to quickly pull my lip so it makes a popping sound. You think Peekaboo is the greatest thing ever. You sing to hymns in church and jabber all day long. You wear your backpack everyday to Rina's now- your mom makes you carry your own diapers, wipes and cup! haha! You like lots of stuffed animals, but you know the difference and wont snuggle to sleep with anyone but Oskie.
You have a personality. You are crazy and fun and happy but mostly still calm. You throw fits but we just ignore you and you stop after you realize its not working. You play by yourself with your toys most of the time, but are wanting our attention more than ever before. You put your foot up so we can put on your shoes. For some reason I think this is pure brilliance on your part. You like to carry around a piece of paper and a pen and pretend to write. I don't know how or where you picked that up, but it's great.

 We had a bonfire as your birthday party. Lots of friends & family came. We ate about a million hot dogs and Grandma Judd made you a white & pink polka dot cake. You seemed to enjoy the bonfire even tho it was a bit cold & windy. On your actual birthday we let you eat some more of it & you just picked off the white chocolate pink circles and only kinda ate the cake. I actually stayed home with you on your birthday and you basically just slept all day! You were worn out from all the partying all weekend with your family.
You are one big barrel of fun and we love you SOOOO much!! Keep on being you- your are awesome!
Love, Mom


  1. She is so cute Lindsey!! Looks like you guys had fun celebrating.

  2. Ugh, I just wrote you a forever long comment and it didn't post. So now you get the short version. I seriously can't believe she's one! So cute and I love her little dress:)
