Saturday, February 18

10 months!

 Dearest Little Faye,

You are 10 months old! WOW!
You crawl SUPER fast, you stand and walk along everything FAST, you manage to get into everything FAST, you crawl up stairs FAST, you eat everything you could possible eat in front of you, and manage to do it all with a smile!
This month you are older. I can just tell. You turned 10 months old right after your first christmas. It was so fun to see you rip paper off presents, completely ignore the puppets, clothes, books and blocks, but immediately take to the rocking horse! Right after Thanksgiving we bought you a little walker thing. You are getting really good at balancing and walking with it. I really feel like you are on the verge of walking. You take steps all the time on your own, you just won't GO for it.
You wear 9 month and 12 month size clothes- still size 1/2 shoes. You kinda went through a fat-stage for a week or so & then skinnied-out again. The only thing that manages to keep a nice chubby look is your chin. I LOVE IT.
You give kisses, wave, say "Hi" and i'm sure a few other tricks I forget.
Daddy started a new job in December, so you started going back to Rina while Mommy goes to work. YOU LOVE IT THERE! I was worried the transition might be hard, but honestly, the transition was... not a transition! The first day you were happy and well taken care of and you get SO excited when we pull up to her house every morning! You are the little sister they don't have, and you get to follow around your two "big sisters" for a few hours a day- heaven!
It only took 1 week for Rina and Mommy to have you back on a SUPER good sleeping schedule. She would be mean in the morning & make you sleep & i would be mean in the afternoon & at nighttime. After about 4 days you stopped fighting bed & naps & are now an AWESOME sleeper! HALLEUJAH!
You got two more teeth this month- right before Christmas. You now have 5! you got 1, 2&3 and then 4&5.. you've never had anything but a little crooked smile. It's darling.
We love you. You are getting more awesome by the day.
Love, Mom

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