Tuesday, April 26


this year we traveled to Vegas to spend a big weekend with ALL my family. it was a blast. We had a BBQ for nate & lauren & celebrated kayleigh's 6th birthday with a bouncy house & RAPUNZEL! we got to meet our little viking cousin, aksel, and spent time with "aunt" kelli and took family pictures. we visited friends, played with all the cousins, sang in the choir at church, & ate a delicious easter dinner. we even got delicious cupcakes for anna's 2nd birthday & drove home in record time- 4 hours & 15 min! it was an awesome weekend. i confess i teared up a bit as we were driving home because it was so nice to be with EVERYONE. everyone played and ate and sang & laughed. it made me sad to leave all the babies. i love my family. they are my friends & i miss them in CA. poor faye does not live close enough to her cousins!
HOORAY for a wonderful weekend! what a wonderful happy weekend to remember our Savior and the message of his life. happy easter!

sadly my camera died after the first day so we'll have to wait til kevin gets me copies of the rest of the weekend! :)

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