Tuesday, August 30

6 Month Stats

well... doctors & nurses aren't perfect. and measuring babies is not a perfect science, i can tell ya that.

length 26.5 inches- 77%ile
16 lbs 6 oz- 59%ile
head 17.5 inches- 93%ile

notice that her head grew, her weight grew, and despite the fact she's DEFINITELY grown out of all her clothes she wore 2 months ago.... she is the same height. i don't think so! let's say they overshot by .5 last time & undershot by .5 this time & say she grew an inch, yes? :)

1 comment:

  1. Do they measure her on the table? If so I can see how it would be so easy to mess that up. One month we get there head closer to the top then the next, they don't straighten their leg all the way. I'll go with you on the she grew an inch.
