Tuesday, December 7

oh, to be the favorite uncle!

lets not pretend for a second, that brad doesn't LOVE that all my neices are in love with him.
at thanksgiving, upon his entrance into the house, one of the twins came screaming across the room falling into his arms all dramatic-like. when i am on the phone my sister says "want to talk to aunt lindsey?" and all three little girls answer with, "brad??"
he also has won the love of the oldest, kayleigh. when they come to visit she and brad are the early risers and they make breakfast, play games and have one on one play time while everyone else sleeps in. she drew this today at school.
b is for brad.


  1. That is the cutest thing ever!

  2. Cute! He is going to be an even better dad to your little girl, you are both so lucky!
