Thursday, November 4

Baby Bump Barttels

14 weeks.
you can see SOMETHING!!
still in my regular jeans. very sick still & blacking out, but sleeping through the night.:)18 weeks.
not sick and nauseous anymore(although i look it in this picture)! not able to wear any normal pants. acne breakout, what?? kissed sleeping through the night good bye. hello 3 AM.
BUT the acne was worth it bc we found out it's a GIRLIE!! woot. :)20 weeks.
bless baby GAP maternity pants. how do we love thee?
feeling GOOD. moving furniture, grocery shopping & nice skin has returned!
24 weeks.
FAT. seriously.
undeniably pregnant looking.
(part of it could be this blouse (thanks julie!) bc it's nice & comfy & cute, but really halloween candy did a number on me. LOL)


  1. YOu look so cute! And tiny. Seriously, I think you could put my 12 week picture next to your 24 one and we'd look the same:) So happy for you guys!

  2. congrats on being pregnant! so much fun. our little girl is 3 months now. it goes so quick! you look great!

  3. dang linz. i like you pregnant.
