Tuesday, January 1


I do not make New Year resolutions... Not to be confused with New Year's resolutions, or worse, New Years' resolutions. (Does the new year possess the resolutions, are there multiple years?? I'm always confused!)

Brad & I have never made any "resolutions" together. Oops. Usually when we have something we want to accomplish we just do it then. Crazy kids. Why do in June what you can put off til next January!? jk. I digress.

But this year we decided to actually make a few:
1. Go on 2 dates a month. For the past couple years with job losses, baby birth and life in general, time & mula for just Brad & I has all but disappeared. Mostly we had "family nights out." We decided now with 2 kiddos (and one that now talks & wants to be part of every conversation) we needed to plan & make time for US. And luckily we are in a better place that now we can afford babysitters! Woot!
2. Exercise 3x a week. Self-explanatory. Luckily for me I am running Ragnar again in April & have 20 pounds of baby weight to lose, to I'm ALL about it.
3. Send birthday cards to all our family. We love them, we should tell them more.
4. Have Family Home Evening. I am not a huge fan of FHE. EVERY NIGHT IS FHE, come on, people!? However, Brad put his bid on this one, so I comply. I DO like the idea of setting time aside to make treats together as a family... does that count?
5. Put more money in savings. Again, self-explanatory.

:) Let's see what happens!!